January 20, 2011


Our first attempt at copying the famous Ramly Burger.  We watched some videos on Youtube as well as the guy from the pasar malam stall, how he made the burger. So we improvised a little.

We used the remaining Farmland Chicken Burger Patties which we bought the other day.  Patty is so so only, not very nice itself.  We decided to leave the cheese on the bun instead of cooking it with the patty.

Ingredient: 'Special' recipe sauce from KK (contains Worcestershire sauce), seasoning salt (similar to curry powder), egg, cheese, SwissBake hamburger bun, mayo.

Preparation Time: 30 mins

Cooking: We tried to follow as close as possible the cooking procedure.  Of course, we wrapped the patty with the egg; as you can see here, our skill is not that good, so you can still see the patty. Hahaha..

KK did the cooking as usual.  I just helped with the little things. Here are our burgers - they are lovely! Would be even better if it's Beef instead.

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