February 23, 2011


After work, I struggled all the way (in extreme hunger) to Mufiz.  Mufiz is located at Bukit Batok MRT, just next to the McDonalds. It is open 24hours.

Today, we finally try their famous Chicken Bryani.  A few times there, I always see a lot of customers eating bryani, and was wondering how good it is. The verdict - It is Very very very Good! I love it so so much, had not have such good bryani for a long time. Why do I like it?   The long grain basmati rice is fragrant, cooked in herbs, it is grainy yet fluffy and soft.  The fried chicken is crispy on the outside, soft and juicy on the inside.  The achar is also refreshing, not too sour.  Only complaint I can think of is the missing Papadum. hahaha..

At $4.50, you can choose to have curry chicken bryani or fried chicken version.  I think I definitely prefer the fried chicken. Yummy!

A snapshot of it, I was too hungry to take any decent shot of it.

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