May 21, 2011


This morning we tried something new, thanks to my friend Jehú Paulín for the inspiration and idea.  We call it the Pizza Bread.

Ingredients used: Bread, Honey Baked Ham, Dole Pineapple in a can, tomatoes, Mutti tomato puree, cheese, and Parmesan for toppings.

Procedure: Apply the puree on the bread, spread the toppings over the bread and put the cheese on top. Grill in a toaster oven for about 5mins and add some Parmesan for topping when served.

As it is my first attempt, I think I used too much ingredients and used the wrong type of cheese.  However, overall still it taste good.

KK have a different version.  He got his inspiration from an Indian stall that serves Pizza Prata.  Here is his version, with Prata as the base instead of bread. He used cheddar cheese instead and it melted well and goes well with the pizza. As usual, I think his version is more successful.

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