February 12, 2013

CNY 2013

What a busy CNY again.  We were both down with flu before the CNY and was thinking that this New Year will be a quiet one without much cooking. But we were wrong, and it was cooking and more cooking, with visitors and more visitors.  KK's sisters and brothers and aunt came.

Day 1: Poh Piah
Day 2: Hokkien Prawn Mee
Day 3: Fried Kway Teow
Day 4: Yam Rice

Since we were both a little unwell, we did not do the chicken curry this year.  Probably next year we will.

The Fried Kway Teow this round is pretty successful.  So I am documenting the steps and details. 

Sauce (made for 12-15 pax):
1 TB Woh Hup Oyster Sauce
1 TeaS Fish Sauce
2 TeaS L&P Worcestershire Sauce
3 TB Rose Sweet Sauce
5TB Red Dates Sauce
1TB Sugar
Half cup water
1-2TB Tiger Light Soy Sauce

1. Heat corn Oil, throw in garlic
2. Put in Lap cheong, add in a bit of prawn stock
3. Add in Bean sprouts and Cai Xin Stem
4. Noodle (a bit more stock)
5. Add kway teow
6. Fish cake and cai xin leaves
7. Sauce (2-3 TB)
8.  Egg
9. Chilli ABC or more stock for wet style
10. Add prawn (pre cooked)

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