January 25, 2014


Today is our first attempt at making sushi rice and also California handroll.  We do not have all the necessary ingredients, but just made the best of what we have on hand.  I would say it was pretty successful.

Ingredients for making 6-8 handrolls:
1 cup (blue glass) of Japanese Rice
3 teaspoon of sushi vinegar
1 teaspoon of sugar
sea salt (abt 10 rounds the grinder)
1 and a third cup (blue glass) of water. I would personally prefer 1.5 cup water to make the rice softer
Crabsticks from Isetan Supermarket
Avocado from Mexico (not nice)
Japanese Cucumber
Ebiko - prawn roe

Wash rice thorough and drain dry
After drying, pour rice into rice cooker and add water and soak for about half an hour before turning on the power to cook
After cooking, transfer rice to bowl and add the vinegar etc.
Ready to serve

My wrapping was disastrous, so no photo for the blog. Hahaha but taste is ok, except the avocado is way too unripe.

Updated with photos on 30 Jan 2014.

This is by KK, mine was disastrous..

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